Family Dentistry

Complete comprehensive dental care for you and your family.
Entrust us with your dental care.

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Your Family Dentist

Complete comprehensive dental care for you and your family

Here at Cranbourne North Dental, we pride ourselves in being first and foremost, your local family dental clinic. We strive to provide excellent dental care to all our patients – young and old! So yes, we see patients from all ages – no one is ever too young to too old to see your local Cranbourne dentist.

We offer a wide range of services and our dentists regularly go on training courses to keep up to date with the latest procedures and technology. That is why our clinic has amazing modern, state of the art equipment.

We have a keen focus on treating your oral health as a whole, not just focusing on your teeth! We look at everything and anything that may affect your oral health – your breathing (airway), your habits, your smile, your goals, your work etc. That’s our comprehensive care promise to you.

Got kids? We always recommend to bring your kids in as young as possible. Get them used to the sights and the sounds. They love asking questions and seeing all our gadgets, and we love getting them comfortable with the dentist! Makes it easy for us too! When they are really young, they can have a look around when you come in for your appointment and even have a turn in the chair! When they’re older (around 1.5-2 years old), it’s time for a full check up! By then, they are experts and will have some cheesy smiles ready for you to take a photo of their first dental check-up!

We have multiple payment plans available to help get your dental work now.

Why Choose Us

  • We see patients from all age groups
  • Wide range of dental services available
  • Experienced dentist to help you with your oral health
  • Comprehensive care for your and your family
  • Bulk billing of up to $1095 (over 2 years) is available for all eligible children on the
  • Medicare Child Dental Benefits Scheme. (More Information)
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Interested in Family Dental Treatment?

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Common Problems

Tooth Decay
Tooth decay, also called dental caries or cavity, is the most prevalent dental problem in the world. Signs include block/brown holes in your teeth, broken teeth, bad taste or smells.
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Gum Infection
Do you have swollen, red, bleeding gums, or bad breath? This might indicate a gum infection which requires prompt treatment.
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Tooth Abscess
A tooth abscess is a painful and potentially dangerous dental condition that arises from a bacterial infection. Signs include pain, swelling, gum pimples, bad breathe or taste.
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Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding (bruxism), is the involuntary clenching, gnashing, or grinding of the teeth. Signs include tooth wear, sensitivity, jaw pain, and headaches.
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Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Impacted Wisdom teeth are generally described as molars which are coming out at odd angles but seem stuck at the same time. Signs include pain, swelling, infection, and headaches.
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Tooth Ache
Tooth ache troubles? Let us help
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Sensitive Teeth
Sensitive teeth are generally described as sharp, short-acting tooth pain when you drink cold drinks, eat ice cream, or drink hot tea.
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Yellow Teeth
Yellow teeth, or discoloured teeth, is a common tooth problem that is generally cosmetic in nature but may have underlying implications.
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Frequently Asked Questions

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I’m scared of the dentist. What should I do?
  • You are not alone. Dental fear and anxiety just affect others as well, but we are here to help and guide you through the process. We help many nervous patients and are proud of our empathetic and caring team.
  • The best thing is for you to come in and have a chat with the Reception Team. Talk to them honestly about how you feel. They can book you in with the Dentist and you can arrange to just meet them for a consultation and talk about your concerns first prior to any actual treatment.
  • You can also bring a support person with you for the appointment and bring some headphones if you want to tune out during treatment. We play music and there is a TV to watch to help soothe your nerves. Our team is well trained to help make your dental appointment as relaxing as possible. The more you come in, the better you will start to feel, especially if you already know what treatment you are going to receive and you are familiar with the team and setting.
  • If you have severe anxiety surrounding dental treatment, there are options available with Sleep Dentistry (treatment under sedation) and treatment under a General Anaesthetic.

Obviously we would love it if everyone came to us and we could help everyone with their smile journey. The reality is, you need to find a Dental Professional that you feel comfortable with.

Important things to check

  • Does the clinic offer the treatment that you are interested in?
  • Is the Dental Professional patient with your questions and answering them?
  • Are the team empathetic and keen to help you?
  • Do you feel like you trust them? Trust is very important and often a gut feeling.
  • Do they provide you a proper treatment plan and quote so you know the cost and sequencing of appointments?
  • What have others said about the clinic, have you checked reviews, checked with locals?
  • We hope that we can be all those things for you but if you are unsure, give us a call to have a chat first!

Unfortunately for adults, there is no Medicare coverage for dental treatment at any private dental clinic. You will need to seek Dental Treatment at a public dental clinic if you are eligible.

For children aged between 0-17 years old, if they are eligible, we bulk bill treatment under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. If you give our team a call, they can check your child’s eligibility on the spot.

Read more about this scheme here

Returning to the dentist after an extended time can feel overwhelming. Rest assured, we’re here to support you! We offer two options: a consultation to address your concerns or our New Patient Package, a comprehensive one-hour session. This package includes a thorough check-up, professional dental cleaning, fluoride treatment, intraoral photos, and any necessary X-rays, including a full mouth scan.

This allows us to closely assess your oral health and discuss available treatment options with you. It is important to have your questions answered and for us to formulate the best way forward that takes into account your preferences, your budget, time frames etc. There are a lot of things to consider and we are there to guide you.

Entrust us with your dental care.
Give us a call, book an appointment online, or visit us.
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